So I stayed lat at work yesterday for 3+ hours working on a project that I think is useful but overall unnecessary. I like things a certain way (hence my love of organizing) and decided if I wanted to use this at work, I might as well make one of my own so it's how I want it.
Our reading program doesn't have enough poetry in my opinion (for overall fairness to the poetic form) as well as the fact that their tested on it a lot. I'm making a workbook type poetry book that goes through elements of poetry and then has examples of different styles of poetic form. There is a lot of space for students to write, draw, and answer questions in it (which helps to explain some of the length) but it is currently sitting at 55+ pages and has a long way to go.
Since I'm just chilling around the house this lovely Saturday I have been reading college level text books (ah, English majors) with their thoughts about poetry and other general literature. Some poetry is so dark, it can be a bit much to read and not start to feel a bit down with all the range of emotions that people feel.
My goal is to get the workbook finished at a working level this week so I can send it to the copy center and have it ready to go asap! Then I can find what I don't like or need to change and go through it all for next year.
Also, I'm fairly certain that teaching does not have pot's of gold hidden behind the copy machine so perhaps someday this obsessive / nit-pickey attitude about creating materials that work for teachers and are interest sting to students might be more beneficial and compensate me. Perhaps this thought will be one I can look back on and think, ah, I knew where I was going. Or I'll just laugh at another interesting idea.
Only time will tell.
Regardless; raspberry pie for breakfast was delicious!