What an interesting brain time yesterday! For 75 cent Tuesdays my Dad and I went last minute to see Avatar. Probably wasn't our favorite movie of all time but at least was intersting. And a wonderful time spent with my dad. I feel like there were times growing up that the parent/child strain was tough on both of us. Last night we talked about movies, scoffed at crying children in the theater together, and had a fun little weeknight adventure. I asked Mom about going to see it but with the synopsis that it was about "blue people" she said she wasn't racist but didn't care to see a movie about blue people. LOL
I got home, got ready for bed like a good little school teacher and figured I'd read a few chapters of the Kite Runner that I started in the afternoon. oops!
Four hours and 2pm later when I finished I had the satisfaction in my brain and heart that comes from a great book. Tragic, plausable, but full of amazing writing and greater adventures. Far off places and daring swordfights kept me on my toes (almost literally) as I dove deeper into the story of what shaped one man's life, and those around him. The tradgedy was heart-breaking, but the acts of redemption satisfied.
So now, with 4 hours of sleep under my eyes I better get ready for a LONG day!