Sunday, October 17, 2010

I heart Colorado!

In an effort to keep my heart healthy and stay out of the hospital needing heart repair I went for the first of hopefully several hikes. That sounds desperate. I don't want heart repair in 40 years.

I love Colorado. It is so beautiful. And the parks IN the city are amazing. An hour hiking, felt like we were in the middle of nowhere, and only saw 2 people outside of the parking lot!

Love it!
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Summit with a View

I've hiked to the top of Pikes Peak twice and never seen much of anything. Once was during the summer and by the time we got to the top in the afternoon it was IN a cloud and we could barely even find the summit house. The second time was my fault, it was a night hike and so !duh! when you get to the top you see sky, maybe a light or two between clouds, and then scurry back down.
This Wednesday was different!

The lazy way this time, a ride up the cog railway took about an hour. From the city Pikes Peak looked a bit cloudy but up top was above the clouds and it was beautiful.

Puffy clouds floated past and we looked down on a fluffy blanket of clouds hanging out below other mountain tops.
The clouds followed the mountain range north and south. Below you can see the cog railway track.
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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Taffy Apple Tartlet

Not the best pictures but they were delicious!
Better warm than not, and I liked the ones without the peanuts on top.

I especially enjoyed the home grown apples (thanks mom!) and the melted Carmel at the bottom!
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

School Blog

If you haven't checked it out, More Than the ABC's is a blog I started this fall for my students, parents, and classroom. I love being able to share videos, pictures, and info quickly and easily on the blog.

I plan to stick with the same types of posts and format for the year but after reading The Other 8 Hours which I talk about here, and here, and here I wondered what else might become of such a blog someday.

What would I do if I didn't care if I failed, or even better...knew I would succeed?

Start a teacher blog that would promote great books and programs, and be an amazing resource for parents and students. I would want to encourage families to help raise independent thinkers in a supportive environment where they know more about the world around them every day. Students are excited and able to experience something new and encourage to try out new ideas.

I keep searching for a website that has those wonderful creative classroom ideas that sparks an interest in me as a teacher and could be supportive to parents who were reading it as well. I find a few that are nice, but still haven't seen that great ONE! Hmmm...

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Book: Water for Elephants

Thanks for passing along the book Kate.
I was a bit surprised to feel as if I was not only reading a story but learning how a circus works. It had a few "The Notebook" moments regarding an elderly person telling the story looking back on their life which is an interesting storytelling method.
I spent a few more days on this book compared to my usual read it in a day style. I probably got a bit more into it because it was spread out over time. However, the books I read in a day or two are usually because they are SO AMAZING I can't put them down.
So...somewhere inbetween.Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Awaiting a full room

I labeled this post "not so good things" comma "good things"

The freshly painted empty closet of my new niece or nephew. This is an incredibly good thing because my sister and her husband will be amazing parents.

And I know the baby already has more than will fit in the closet as soon as it gets arranged in there. Another amazingly good thing and a testament to the generosity of others.

And a place to create a room for a baby is a wonderful thing.

Except when I don't get to see it.

Or feel the baby kick before it is born.

Or most likely be there when it is born.

Or get to see the looks of joy on my sister's face.

Or melt at the tiny hands and feet.

Or help to decorate the room.

Or fold some tiny baby laundry.

Or see the baby every few days, or weeks...sigh...or even months.

Or buy a cute outfit at...(let's be real) a garage sale, go home and disinfect/wash it and go put it on unborn yet desperately waited for baby.

It's a good thing.

Except when it's not a good thing.