Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Refrigerator Teacher's Note
I have a hard time passing up the free photo deals that are all over the web every few months. So last time I decided to make some refrigerator/business cards to send home with students that would have easy access to the information needed to contact me.
I first did this when the school picture company gave teachers 30 postcards with their teacher 'portrait' on it. I thought, what on earth am I going to do with this? So I sent it home with the school phone number and email address printed on it and promptly forgot about it.
Fast forward to the next major sugar-infested holiday party (my soapbox is at school and it's summer so I'm ignoring that one) when parent's were in my classroom. Several thanked me for the picture/postcard and said that I was on their refrigerator. (What??!?!)
One apparently (though I didn't really believe them) had to explain that I was the teacher, not her daughter's friend to a visiting house guest. Thus the end of the teacher-portrait-postcard tradition.
Enter the nice picture for refrigerator tradition. Free, fifty, and simple. It's a good thing!