Until the end of World War II most gardeners saved their own seeds in an effort
to cut costs and/or because high quality seeds were not always readily available
at a reasonable price. That’s all changed. Now inexpensive, high quality seed is
available and we generally recommend that you purchase fresh seed from a
reliable, preferably local, company rather than attempt to save your own seeds
from year to year. "Harvesting and Saving Garden Seeds"
I spent about 20 dollars on seeds + seedlings this year and would love to say that next year I can cultivate some of my own seeds. I know this will work with some but am not sure exactly how and when to harvest all the different seeds.
Hence, I put it in my Google box. Warning: This video has nothing to do with gardening but is very G rated.
(click the link, the video is quite witty!)
So what did I find when I put "testing your saved garden seeds" in my Google box? More greatness in the same article.
"Test germination in February by the traditional "rag-doll" test. Count out 100
small seeds or 25 large seeds and wrap them in moistened paper toweling. Squeeze
out the extra water and place the "rag-doll" in a glass jar with the cover
loosely fastened. Place the jar on a sunny window sill. Unroll the paper after a
week and figure the germination; if germination is below 50 percent, either
discard the seed or double the planting concentration to give the desired number
of plants.""Harvesting and Saving Garden Seeds"
So I've got dill seeds already dried and getting ready to store them. The cilantro/coriander seeds are a bit underdeveloped but if I get the next batch in a week or so I should be ready to go.
So...if your still reading...sorry about the unorganization on this post. It's raining, I'm hungry, and those aren't valid excuses.