Love how obscure shapes like a star really aren't all that unnatural.
In school a good paper, completed assignment, 100%, great attendance, and good choices can all earn you a star.
What about as an adult?
This week I would get a star for
- being on time
- developing a working knowledge of students and personalities at work
- sub plans
- watering the garden
- putting laundry away
- growing through professional development...and the beat goes on
- eating a healthy breakfast and fruit/veggie lunch
I would get a crumpled pumpkin bloom star for
- remaining patient when tired
- using my time efficiently to complete ...anything
- maintaining relationships when I'm busy
- thinking before I speak
- using zucchini [help]
- going to bed at 9:00 and getting up before 6
- too liberal use of Complaint Thursdays
Next week I want a bright cheery orange star because I'm going to:
- have lesson plans and materials ready EARLY
- put material I learned into practice NOW
- check in, spend time, and enjoy those friends that keep coming back
- read something non-fiction